Our bus made a few stops on the 7 hour drive from Puno to Cuzco.
One was at the little town of Pukara. There are some of the oldest pre-Inca ruins around there.

Also, all over Peru, people put Pukara bulls on their roof for good luck.

We stopped by a glacier.

Stopped to check out some llamas.

and at what they told us were the oldest Inca ruins. There was this wall of a big temple/meeting hall:

and also a ton of grain silos:

The Incas used to collect grain from all over as a tax and stockpile it in these depositories for times when there was drought or they otherwise ran out of food.
There were also some intact fountains from back in the day as well:

Once you get over the pass from Puno and towards Cuzco, it is pretty nice.

We also stopped at an old church.

I almost got left behind there because I was buying some weird corn pop at a store and the bus started to pull away. The corn pop is pretty bad. Um I mean it is really good, you should try it.
We made it to Cuzco

but only stayed for one night. We were tired of being cold. When we were in Aeraquipa, we had found a cheap flight from Cuzco to Tumbes, on the border with Ecuador, so we booked it.
We got into Tumbes after dark and there were a ton of cab drivers trying to get us to go with them to our destination. We told them where we were going, they gave us a price and I picked one. The dude kept trying to get us to go somewhere else, which irritated me. Then he said it would be an extra $10 once we were most of the way there because it was farther then he thought. We said ok, but no more. So he said ok and kept driving. Then he took us to the wrong place. Finally we got to the right place and he told us we owed $40. I told him to eat shit. He threatened to call the police, and then when we walked away, he left.
This place was out in the middle of nowhere, but it was nice and on the beach.

There was pretty much nobody else there.

Naomi really liked this bathroom sign:

We just stayed there the one night and the next day flagged down a crammed bus to take us to Mancora. After a couple hours and several security checkpoints we were there. The hostel we booked was pretty sweet.

We had our own 2 story hut on the beach. Ours is the one on the far left:

pretty nice really

nice beach with relatively warm water:

Nice balcony too:

And super cheap.
Our friend Michael Marsik happened to be in Peru at the same time. Him and some of his friends had gone to Macchu Picchu and he had another week in Peru. So, he came and met us in Mancora.

We had a really nice most of a week. There are lots of cheap seafood restaurants on the beach and all through town. There's a nice beach and decent bodyboarding right out in front of the hostel.

The hostel had cheap and good food, cheap beer, and activities for everyone to do like volleyball:

Also, there were party themes, such as pirate night (Meg). For pirate night, you pay $10 and get all the rum drinks you can drink for 2 hours.
We really just hung out and were beach bums most of the time. We spent a couple hours each day searching for and applying for jobs on the internet. Due to the horrendous economy that had fully kicked in by now, this turned out to be a total waste of time that should have been spent on more bodyboarding and beer drinking.
I wouldn't say the actual town of Mancora is all that nice.

Really is is just a couple loud and sometimes muddy streets. But, aside from internet use, you really can just walk up the beach to restaurants when you get tired of your excellent hostel food and drinks.
Movie Reviews:
Invention of Lying: 3
This movie had some potential and started out pretty funny. But it just dragged on and on and got pretty boring and tired by the end.
Up in the Air: 5.5: It is a well made movie, but it just isn't all that exciting or interesting. Just a little above average.
Zombieland: 7 You're not getting high drama with a zombie movie, but this one is pretty good as far as they go. It doesn't try to be scary. Tries to be kind of funny, and succeeds mostly. Good acting (for a zombie movie). I liked it and hope they make a Zombieland 2.