So make sure you are signed up and ready to go!
It is at 8pm Pacific (4pm Samoa).
What time is that in B.Farmerland? midnight?
Ack! The M's are losing again right now. This is a huge game. If they lose again, they're almost out of the AL West race. Win and they're still within 3 and they keep it managable. Why do they ever pitch to Vladimir?
9 years ago
Why do we have no clue how to run the bases? Meanwhile, it seems that the Angels are the best in the league. Super.
Aaron- thanks for updating the Blog! It helps me re-live my Samoa times. I miss your smiling face. I hope you get a promotion when Cliff starts! Jessi
42-12 Yahoooooooooooo!!!
Thanks Jessi. I miss you too.
I hear that Cliff is going to be in civil. So, I guess that means I'll be in District Court until the end of time since we have no apparent motivation to hire anyone.
Very boring, but at least I don't get yelled at for no reason.
How's Idaho going?
Getting yelled at for no reason is better than gettining bit in the eye by a snake for no reason.
Poison eye!
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