I'm pretty pumped about finally getting to go on vacation soon. I have needed a break from the island since about June. I'm about the only person I know that hasn't at least gotten to go back to the mainland for a conference. Of course why would prosecutors need any training? There are mainly 2 AAG's in High Court right now: Moi and me. Between us, and counting our time in American Samoa, we have a little over 2 years experience prosecuting. Why would we need any training? Anyway, just 7 more days of work before New Zealand!
I guess I need some training about sunscreen. This Sunday we went to Airport Beach. It was really hot and sunny out, but I put a good coating of 30 sunscreen on. It was Banana Boat sport sunscreen and supposedly waterproof.
I guess that is not actually true:

My back is just on fire. This is by far the worst sunburn I've ever had. (yes, worse than the BYU "E" on my chest burn and the Mazatlan Robster burn)
(The following is based somewhat on news reports and somewhat on just things I have heard, so take that for what it is worth)
I have mentioned before on here that our Lt. Governor is under federal indictment for corruption (but he only stole a couple million bucks, so no big deal), yet the Governor has done nothing to ask him to resign. As I write this, the Governor is apparently in ICU at LBJ hospital here on island. This is a bad place for anyone to be. The hospital has been criticized for allowing non-US licensed doctors to practice there. The hospital risks losing federal funds by continuing to do so. Even the Governor has called for all doctors at LBJ to have passed US licensing exams. (none of his relatives or any matais on island must be unlicensed doctors) The hospital and the Fono (legislature) have been against this requirement. The Fono is usually against anything that makes sense, so this is no surprise. They just cannot understand why this is important and refuse to grasp that if the hospital does not stop employing non-licensed doctors that they will lose federal funding. So why is the Governor in the hospital? Well, he had an appendix problem, so he went to the hospital. They told him he's fine and to go home. It got worse so he came back and they finally figured out he needed an appendectomy, but almost too late. Then they gave him antibiotics that he is allergic to causing him to go to ICU. Had they even checked, they would have known that. I guess the hospital really made their point: they don't need to have them licensed...everything is fine.
So...at the moment the acting Governor is on the verge of spending 4-20 years in federal prison. What? What's wrong with that?
Hi Aaron!
I'm Naomi's friend Caitlin (she linked me to your blog -- all the better to keep tabs on her).
Your sunburn reminds me of this really appalling sunburn Neigh had once.
Ask her to tell you about the Neapolitan (if she hasn't already).
If you need photographic proof, I've got it.
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Fact Checker Alert!
1. Are you sure the hospital is in jeopardy of loosing federal funding because the docs aren't USLME certified?
2. Who told you he was sent home before he got an appy?
3. How do you it was a known allergy?
4. Did you read on the bottle where the sunscreen needs to be reapplied every so many hours? (Sorry about that sunburn-ouch!)
I don't have the answers to these but I'm assuming you do so I'm curious ...
FYI I get to go off island Thursday for a CME. When I get back I can tell you if you're pregnant or not with an ultrasound machine. Woohoo!
1-3: We don't let facts get in the way of a good story here!
4: Aaron does not believe in reading instructions. Similarly, he does not believe in throwing his trash into the trash can. The kitchen counters, kitchen floor, and the inside of his car are much better places for that.
I hope that an untrasound machine is not required to know whether Aaron is pregnant. Otherwise, I would stop drinking all water on that island immediately!
I agree with KC. In fact here is an excerpt from a story I wrote about Aaron that explains a lot about directions and trash.
"When we finally made it out of Aaron’s driveway I was looking forward to a fun filled trip into the unknown wilderness. My keen mind always had a way of catching the obvious, after the obvious was already the ignorant.
“Did you get that map?” I asked casually, sifting through the Masser Municipal Landfill which was located in the back seat of the Toyota. I assumed Aaron made most of his spending cash by allowing other local cities and towns the right to dump garbage in his private dump.
“I’m sure it's in here somewhere.”
“Well, I don’t see it,” I was getting worried.
Aaron had maps rendering every square inch of North American at his house, but the one we always needed was mysteriously sucked into a black hole; probably lounging around a pool in some forgotten county, fraternizing with single socks. In all likelihood, they were my socks. I glanced down at my feet and remembered that I was wearing two random socks that I had grabbed, not by mistake, but out of necessity, since none of the socks I own match.
“It doesn’t matter, we’ll figure something out when we get there,” Aaron’s most utilized reply filled my ears once again.
Here was a man who has never read a single set of directions to any device, gadget, tool, apparatus, or mechanism in his life and he was going to “figure something out.” The word ‘foreshadowing’ from Mr. Cumming’s senior English class came to mind."
Hola Liz:
1. Am I sure? No, but that's what I hear.
2. A member of the media who is the gov's cousin, but she could be wrong.
3. Again, I heard that it was by the same person, and it stands to reason that it probably was since that doctor was suspended w/o pay.
4. I didn't see that, but I'm sure you are correct.
The sun can make me pregnant?! That is not good.
Hi Caitlin. She didn't tell me about that. The picutre link didn't come through. I think you should email it to me.
How's Hawaii?
1.) I hadn't heard of this particular rationale for the USLME. I think they would have gotten canned a long time ago if that was the case. But I could be wrong.
2.) The gov's cousin is a pretty good source.
3.) The fact that someone is on leave w/o pay is pretty good evidence.
4.) I heard that the sun can get you pregnant somewhere but I didn't like see it in a text book anywhere or anything . . . but everyone in Samoa seems to be pregnant so I think that's what's doing it. What else could it be?
Is The Sun the new Game?
I'm purchasing a shade umbrella (no pun intended) for my wife... just in case.
And, not as if I'm paid by LBJ to say this, but... LBJ is actually the driving force behind getting the Dr.s USMLE certified. It's going to be a mess in June.
Rumor has it... LBJ is going to hire Asst AGs in the Dermatology department, due to their thick skin, desire to inflict pain, and keen ability to read labels.
So which bungee jump are you going to try in NZ?
Ha! Yes, I am obviously a good candidate for that role what with my attention to detail and obsessive skincare.
I don't know about bungee jumping or not. I think it'll be a gametime decision
Are we going to get your trip itinerary? What about reports while you are gone to NZ? Will you be giving us detail while you are there? Have fun.
Good story, my co-workers and I really enjoyed that. I take it would be easy to get a job at LBJ.
First of all medical licenses are way over rated. I get all my treatment from this guy I know who graduated from Tijuana school of medisin.
Everyone knows that Aaron's pet name for Rob is "The Sun" and it was only a matter of time before the "The Sun" got Aaron pregnant.
Hoz - wish I could be there for snowcamping, but I will be in sunny Mazatlan instead. Peace - see you in Sept.
Caitlin, I see that you are not the same Caitlin, so my Hawaii question doesn't make any sense!
Still, I'd love to see the picture but suspect you are getting worse weather than Hawaii.
WHAT ???
no snow campin' BOOOOOOOO...
every time you post on here you are going to Mazatlan- what kind of lawyer jobs sends you to mexico all the time?
Please-- apply sunscreen - so "The Sun" doesn't get you pregnant also.
Worse weather?
You said it, brutha!
Today it's 10 degrees, but the wind chill makes it feel like negative 20 or something.
As for the photo I don't know what that gobblety gook is in my original post. I actually only have a hard copy.
Maybe you'll have to come and meet us all. Enticing photo incentives await!
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