It is about 7 pm right now. It's kind of like a scene from a movie right now. It is fairly windy, but still probably 83 or so. My house is sort of a long rectangle and the two long walls are all windows that swivel open. I have them all pretty much open. My door is open, so the wind is blowing through here pretty nicely. The sun is about to set so I'm watching my little sunset view of orange tropical clouds through pretty strongly swaying palm and banana trees. The wind is a little loud too, but the breeze is really nice, extremely comfortable, and a nice change. I'm waiting for my dinner to finish cooking and then I'm going to watch a movie during dinner.
I went by the cell phone place today to see what is up with my voicemail. They're working on it. That'll be nice so that when people call and I miss it, I'll know who it was.
I put an ad in the paper for someone to sell me a crappy car. You can see it for yourself on samoanews.com if you are interested. 2 guys called me so far. I looked at one today. It was a total POS. Spraypainted green (and not the car spray paint) with paint all over the windows and some nice replacement flower panels inside, this car's best feature was that when the guy came to show it to me, it didn't start. He says it runs well and just needs a starter. I'm probably going to pass unless he wants to sell it to me for $500 and fix the starter. Another guy has a 96 Nissan for 1300. That might not be too bad. I'm going to look at it this week.
Tuesday, I'm going to be probably watching a trial all day.
Saturday, I went snorkling with my neighbors, the Colettis at $2 beach. It is called that because you have to pay $2 to use the facilities. It is a really nice place. The snorkling area is nice too, but it is fairly small. Tisa's is much, much better. I tried to bodyboard there, but the water is only about 1 foot deep where the waves crash, so I got some coral gashes and gave up on that for that location. I'm including some pictures of $2 beach. So, $2 beach is still good. It has snorkling that's good but just not as good as some other places here. It would be a great place just to hang out BBQ and have some drinks. There's this big rock that separates the shallow side from the "deep" side. This provides a nice little feature. By the shore there's a channel that varies between about 3-5 feet. The waves come in at different times on the sides of the big rock, so that the channel flows one way, then back. So you can float there and let the current take you and float maybe 35 yards. Then it changes direction and you float back. You could enjoyably do this for a long time. It is kind of like the lazy river at the MGM. Not as consistent, way fewer people, but also a pretty ideallic (is that spelled correctly?) setting.
Saturday night, I played in a poker tournament and lost. Sunday, I got up fairly early, got something to eat, read for quite a while, and then I took about a 3 hour nap. It was an uneventful day, but the rest was really nice since I'm still not acclimated to the weather, but also to living by myself. I've only ever lived by myself for 9 months out of more than 31 years, so it takes some getting used to.
I ran again tonight. Running really sucks, but it was less crappy today.
Movie reviews:
You, me, and Dupree: 6.5
The Protector: I don't know, maybe a 1? It is just awful. The best thing I can say about it is that it is in color. I think it is worse than Ghosts of Mars. Really, and that is saying something. The plot is stupid, ludicrous, boring, and the action is boring and stupid as well. Don't see it unless you want a movie to compare to so that you know where the low bar is. Jerry, you like crappy movies though, so you should see it and let me know where it ranks on your bad movie list.
I believe it is spelled idyllic.
You are so lucky Aaron...the weather here right now is as bad as it gets. Rainy, windy, and in the 30s. Yuck!!!
Alright people, I'm going to see Aaron April 26th - May 3. Anyone else want to go?
So where do you watch all these movies? Isn't your tv on a boat? Are you just renting VHS's? I can't imagine Netflix is a very good deal there.
Do you just have limited use of your current government car? You should try to get Borat van. Nice.
Meg- I was looking at July to head out there, but I should have some flexibility. I'll have to check w/ the fam to see how those dates work (I'm guessing not very well).
And yes, it is Idyllic.
So I got to see some Samonans in the manskirt yesterday. I think there's even a mandress. I saw them while I was down in George Town. They were all dressed up for some special event. And of course holding up traffic.
Dur Adrian, April 27th thru the 29th is Spring Barrel in Yakima. Meg you can come with us for some red wine drinking, then join Adrian in visiting Aaron in July. Aaron are there any good wines in AS?
I've already bought my tickets...I really need a vacation ASAP. I totally would have been up for some wine tasting though.
We want manskirt pictures!!!!
Yes I second that, we want manskirt pictures!!!!
I know a guy who has a crappy S-10 rig. He's not using it right now, you could probably get it for free, plus shipping and handling.
I think it's spelled "i-DONK-yllic"
I am also doing a study on July 2007 with Adrian. I am slow like slug though.
The Departed was an 8.19.
Pretty Good. You should watch that next Mass.
I also got my ass kicked at hold em on sat. I suck at poker. But I had Mexican and Modelo tall boys that made up for it a little.
I can't wait until July. I'll need a trip before then. I'll scout everything out for you though and let you know where to go.
I also played poker Saturday night. I also did really bad.
Geesh! Looks like used cars are pretty expensive there. $6k for a used Kia?!? Come on man, those only cost $6k new in the States.
I see that your new gf made the paper.
I'll get a manskirt picture soon. Cars are really expensive here. Sucks.
I saw the Departed in the theater. It is really good.
I'm watching these on my laptop since my stuff is on a boat somewhere.
HAVE AN EXTRA USED CAR SITTING AROUND? I'm looking for a running, at least semi-decent vehicle, for around $1,500. Call ISUK-COCK.[3/2]
Is this YOU? I think a guy named Neil Masser will surely respond to this add. He has plenty of cars sitting around. Like KC said, a fucking beat to shit used S-10 with a shit load of garbage in it is for sale in the tiny town of Castle Rock. Only $17.00 I think. Maybe we could talk him down.
I say yea for drunk Tuesday. Which I am observing now. Plus it is snowing here and maybe we will be two hours late.
That's not garbage, that's Kevin's grill.
How dare you sons of bitches mock my camp grill. Aaron, please send Adrian the snow camping menu. Adrian will be the proud recipient of a hidden habanero pepper in his appetizer next winter. Meg, why don't you just drive the s-10 down to Aaron and fly back. That way he'll have a POS car. Talk to Aaron's old boss at the Duck, he can explain how to convert it.
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