It is about 815p right now, probably 85 degrees and it just started pouring rain. I like it when it pours at night because it usually provides a little breeze and the noise is soothing. That was for you Jerry.
The last couple days, I've been sitting in on a jury trial. That's been sometimes interesting and sometimes frustrating and boring because of the defense counsel. The prosecutor, Moi, is from Seattle and even though he's a Coug, he's a good attorney and has done a nice job. I'm mostly just watching, taking notes and making a very few suggestions.
Running was less bad today. I already feel quite a bit better since starting that. I keep running into obstacles when putting that stupid machine together. The first obstacle was laziness and that persisted for a couple days since I was dreading it after my first day at it. The second problem was that I don't have any tools here and I reached a point where I needed at least a wrench. So I bought a monkey wrench. That worked for a while, but now I'm to the point where I need another wrench to hold the other side of a bolt from spinning. Today I went to buy another one or a socket set (even though I have one en route), but the hardware store was closed. Now I decided I'm just going to borrow tools.
So far, Meg is coming out here on April 26 and leaving May 3. My parents are arriving July 1 and leaving July 8. If you would like to come at those times, I think we'll be heading to Western Samoa for a few days for both. You are certainly welcome to head out whenever you can make it. I have a guest bedroom, and once my stuff gets here, I can fairly comfortably sleep 6 guests and could easily cram more in. Another really good stint to come out here would be over Labor Day since it would save you and me a day off, or Veteran's Day if you want to wait until then. Or, if you wanted to wait until Christmas, I think my parents, Meg, and Andrea are going to meet me in Fiji. I'll probably be there something like Dec 20- Jan 2, but I could probably go a little longer if adjoining days work for anyone to hang out in Fiji. Or whenever for visiting AS, just let me know, its no problem for me at all.
If you want to hang out here, and you really like snorkeling, you could easily entertain yourself doing that for a week. There is great scenery here around the island. There are a couple good hikes to tops of mountains and a few good hikes to beaches, and a good hike through a jungle valley. I have done zero hikes so far, but that is what I hear. As far as nightlife, that's pretty much a negatory- at least as far as I hear. There are some cool places to hang out, but you pretty much have to bring your own group as most places are dead. Apparently the exception is the bowling alley. I haven't been there yet, but I guess it has a busy bar/danceclub part to it, at least on weekends. It's also a doable walk from here. I've only been a few places, but based on what I've been told, there are only a couple really good places to eat on the island so this isn't a dining destination, unless you count eating what I cook (which as you know can be pretty good - occasionally screwed up though (bread, rice, too hot, etc.)). There aren't big beaches here like at Long Beach or Ocean Shores for example. Here, the beaches aren't very wide between their start and the water. Plus, usually, at a beach, the water is shallow (maybe 2 feet deep) and stays shallow for maybe 100 yards where the waves break on the reef. Even where the waves break, the water is usually still not deep. The good snorkling places have trenches between the beach and the reef break. For example, at Tisa's Bar beach, once you go out maybe 40 yards, there's a 60 foot deep trench. That's great because there are just tons of fish there and you don't have to worry about getting scraped on the reef. But on one half of $2 beach, it just stays 1.5-4 feet deep way out to where the waves break. As far as I know, Tisa's is the only bar on the beach. There are a few other places on the water, but there aren't really beaches there. So that's some of what I know so far, but I've maybe seen 1/3 of the island, probably less actually. What would you like to know about here?
I know this is quite a ways in advance, but I was just sort of loosely planning out my vaction time for this 2 year term. Is anyone seriously interested in going to the Olympics in China? If it isn't terribly cost prohibitive, I'd like to do it for 2 or 3 weeks, but I'm probably not going by myself. This is way out in advance too, but unless something stops me, I'm going to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, so pencil that in for big trips if you are interested.
I was glad that it wasn't the M's who horribly overpaid Gary Matthews Jr., now I'm really really really glad.
I am irritated that the Sonics didn't trade Rashard though. Now we're going to lose him and not get anything. I know that sometimes in the NBA, losing a guy is better than taking on crap longterm contracts, but it seems like we could have gotten an expiring contract and a draft choice at least: something like Grant Hill and a #1 for Rashard? If they draft a center this year, it better be Oden (and not Oden Tyvand).
Now the rain has stopped.
9 years ago
Here's some more Seattle sports news for you. I often don't agree with the SeattleTimes sports guys, Bob Condotta notwithstanding, but I totally agree with this article. I think we're in for another year of sucking from the M's and Hargrove will get the axe pre-All Star break.
On the "what would you like to know note" what is the food like there? Are there weird dishes that we don't have here? Is there anything that's really hard to come by or way over priced (beef, ice cream, coffee, etc)?
What types of restaraunts are there? Do you have access to any wine at a non-jacked price?
Most food places here have regular American food. There are some local things that are kind of like Hawaiian food. Instead of Spam here there's lots of canned corned beef. Most restaurants have burgers, fish n chips, sandwiches, maybe chicken curry. It isn't terribly varied. There are several bbq chicken places too. There is a fake Costco that has reasonably priced wine and hard a is cheaper than in WA. Lets see, there're a couple sushi places, a couple "nice" restaurants, even 2 mexican restaurants. I haven't really been to a ton of places. I wasn't terribly impressed with the Chinese place I went to, but there are others also. Food in restaurants is cheaper than Seattle as a rule. Any fresh meat here is way overpriced, with the exception that Cost U Less has beef at fairly normal prices for some cuts. There are several semi-weird dishes here yeah, most involving corned beef or gravy.
Their traditional thing is pig cooked in the ground. I've heard that is really good, but haven't had it yet either.
Tomatoes, lettuce, and some other fresh vegetables are expensive/hard to get. I bet there is no fresh basil on the island. You never know what stores are going to have either. There could be something that you figure there's no way you'll find and they'll have it. But, there are some things they will just be out of and you can't get until a new boat gets here. For example, I can't find any yeast.
It's probably the usual Spring Training Irrational Optimism, but I think the M's have a fair shot at winning the AL West. Things have to go almost perfect, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect us to compete for the title. The first week is huge - 3 games against the Angels and 4 games against Oakland. If we go 2-5, then I may change my outlook (but probably not!).
On things I would like to know: What island name have you adopted from the locals?
You were right Shane, my inability to post was operator error. Dur!
KC glad you got it to work, However Aaron still has operator error with his junk on a daily basis.
Are there any pool tables on the island? What is the danger factor? Crime, Wild animals, etc.? Do the locals like the tourists or do they spit at them? How many grains of sand per square inch for each specific beach? (please use a spreadsheet for this). What is the average salt content for the Western-most beach? How many roaches have you seen? Why haven't you been on any hikes? Are you going to buy a boat? Do you like anyone at work, like more than a friend? Can you go fishing there (please address price, type of fish, etc.)?
These questions are all easy except one -
So, what are the odds that your workout machine is assembled by the time I get there? I give it a 15% chance at the rate you are going.
I mailed you some tomotatoes today...oh, no I didn't. I did mail you Balderdash though. The Post Office lady said that it should take about a week to get there. Hmmm...ya right!
Is there coconut ice cream there?
I aced the Wonderlick! Now I just need to work on my 40 time! (and my age and my bench press and my skillz...)
Here's some news for you. Andy told me about this last night. You're lucky your neighbors aren't this intrusive.
Nix that last link. This one is way funnier.
Adrian, how did you figure out the publishing one so fast? It took me like 15 minutes and that was after I saw the answer. Aaron, I'm still waiting for the answers to my questions. Some of them are actually serious. If anyone is on the fence about snow camping next year, here is the first night's menu (seriously!).
Snow Camping Menu:
Apps: Anaheim peppers stuffed with cheese and rolled in Prosciutto.
Accompanied by whatever decent champagne is on sale.
Main: Filet Au Poive
Accompanied by Rodney Strong 2001 Pinot Noir
Side: TBA (some kind of vegetable that's easy to cook)
Dessert: Graham's 20 Year tawny.
Math skillz representin!
Here's what I did:
Pick a nice middle ground number. In my case I used 10 of one and 11 of the other. Quickly figure out how many total pages that gives you (in this case it was a lowball number). Then know that for every additional page of small print you ad, you lose one of large for a net gain of 600. Then it's just a case of figuring out how many extra pages (groups of 600) you need to get to the target number. Easy-peasy.
I'm in for snow camping...then agin, I'm in every year.
Here's my snow camping menu (seriously):
Breakfast- 40 of Big Bear with a hint of OJ for flavor. Whatever baked goods were on the QFC day-old rack.
Morning snack- 4 Tecates.
Lunch- Sandwich w/ 3 Tecate chaser.
Mid day snack- 6 PBRs and 2 cups of hot chocolate laden w/ Ice 101.
Dinner- Giant vat of nachos, chased w/ some of Kevin's Pinot and several PBRs.
After dinner- Aaron's famous mushroom and pepper concoction; some of Kevin's Port, more PBRs and more hot choc w/ Ice 101.
Pass out.
Adrian forgot one little detail.
Throw up outside of tent, then pass out. You're too old to hold 101.
Snow camping is in Mid-Jan like I said before. So KW should get your shit together for then. I think the side should be lobster bisque.
That goes very well with Pinot.
Aaron's actual chances of being there are about 19.5% so KW will have to do the mushrooms.
Aaron I will try to send you something cool, but I don't have your address. So post the damn thing.
Oh yeah KW WTF?
No comments on the pictures I sent you?
My menu as described will be prepared for everyone in attendance the first night. I will not be preparing a lobster bisue, however, it would be easy to prepare ahead of time and freeze and then defrost on site. If someone prepares this I would recommend it as the first course and not the side. I am leaning towards pan fried brussel sprouts as the side. I used to hate brussel sprouts, but then I tried them this way and they are really good. Oh yeah HOz - sorry about that - my memory is jacked. That pic is awesome- cute kids for both you and Adrian. Aaron - please do what you can to increase your snowcamping percentage to at least 50.1%. 19.5% is not going to cut it.
Oh yes. Brussel sprouts in balsalmic vinegar are the shit. Bring those. I also enjoy pistassio encrusted chicken breast, stuffed with cheese. Try to wrangle that up, KW.
Man, this is going to be a great snow camping. I am glad Sara cut off your balls. No testoserone to get in the way of your cooking excellence.
Man I can't spell today. Sorry about the suckage. But you get the point KW.
Here are some island names that might apply:
Latele Punefu - Big Stink
Otaoto o paie asini - Dung of Lazy Donkey
And one for Andrea -
Aidu tagata a puaa va faamasimaina alofa - Assassin of Bacon Love
Oh yeah, I will bring some kick ass balsamic. As for the chicken crap you mention - I will only be preparing the one meal. After that first night my menu is going to closely resemble Adrian's, plus maybe a hotdog here and there. I hope someone brings some paddle your own Canoe this year. Speaking of cutting of the balls - I am going to have a consult soon to discuss Vasectomy. woo hoo.
That is good info to have. Let me know the in's and out's of that procedure. I am very interested.
Thanks KW.
paie asini o Otaoto - Lazy Donkey Dung
I like this name better for Aaron- It describes both his best attributes: Laziness and Stinkiness
Kevin- I'm sorry you can't bring the Basalmic. Drink.
I suggest you try a kayak or maybe a knife.
KW could also bring a Kunt- he already has that between his legs.
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