On Tuesday I got admitted pro hac vice to the American Samoa Bar Association. They still haven't processed my application, but pro hac vice is like a temporary pass to practice until it finally gets approved. The lawyer that was doing District Court had been practicing pro hac vice since December. They got around to processing her application and found that her license is suspended in California, so they barred her from practicing here for now. Her license just got suspended because she forgot to pay her bar fees. But anyway, that was Tuesday so since then I've been handling District Court and trying to get organized at work. The files are in sort of a state of disarray, so I've been kind of trying to get things straight while I haven't been in court. That's been difficult because there isn't anyone who knows where all the files are and what is going to be coming up at court. That's really neat just sitting there waiting for something that we should have done that didn't get done. After a week or two it'll be figured out though so I'll know what is coming.
My stuff getting here is great. But, it's meant that I've stayed up late each night trying to set things up and organize stuff. So I'm exhausted from court and work. I haven't really even had time to check my email. I'm going to try to get out a little early on Friday and go golfing. $3 for 9 holes I think. Before that I have court which will probably last from 830 til hopefully not later than 130, but we'll see.
Here are some pictures of my living room with at least some stuff in it. Also, the dog that lives here, my tiki torches and yard, and me drenched in sweat from cleaning.
I spent another 1.5 hours working on the excercise machine tonight. This should have had a warning on the box that says something like: NOTICE, this will be the hardest thing you ever do. My total time spent assembling this is almost surely going to exceed 6 hours. That is too long.
Movie review- Man of the Year: 5
I was going to go to Aunu'u (which is a little island off this island) this Saturday, but the weather is supposed to be kind of crappy and right now I'm worn out, so I think I might just hang out Saturday and go to Aunu'u a different day when it is nicer out. It isn't like it is terrible weather, but it has been really cloudy the past few days. The main reason I'm not going to go is that the group is leaving at 8am Saturday and I really hope to not be awake by that time and could use the sleep.
Thanks to my parents, KC, and Jaymie for the Husky score updates. 5 in a row to the Cougs. Yuk!
Now I'm confident that we'll make the tournament, it is just that it is the NIT.
Meg and Adrian are coming out here April 26-May 3 in case anyone else wants to come out at that time.
Ah man you have to do real work now! That's means it's going to take even longer to get pictures of the manskirt. To make sure that I actually get to see this thing on you, I'll be sending Adrian to take the pictures.
No Carolyn, that means he is going to fall over dead from actually having a real job for any length of time. I get dibs on the S-10.
You need to read the damn instructions once in your life. There is no way that thing should take 6 hours+ to put together. I guess if you use rocks for screwdrivers and your head for a hammer it might take 3.46 hours, but 6+ come on now!
I attribute the excessively long time needed to putting it together on Aaron's unsteady hooves. Having hooves makes it hard enough, but combine a Parkinson's like shake to that and you're left w/ 6+ hours of setup time.
I was sickened to get this email from UW today:
Sunday, March 11
6pm PST
At least KU should get a number one seed. Whoop whoop.
Have a good weekend everyone.
I'll send you the fricking directions Shane, they are insane! It'd be easier to build a tv.
You might as well have built that nuclear reactor Tyvand sent you and sold it to an emerging nation to fund your own sick dreams of world domination.
You should take pictures of the directions and post them on the bolg.
However, you still lack effectivness with any sort of useful tool. I may buy into KC's thoughts. I think your Mercury Poisoning is affecting your ability to blend with modern society.
You should give up your law career and go into business as the island handyman, specializing in equipment assembly and sky-bed installation.
What is the dog's name? Did you give him fleas?
The #1, #1 whoop, whoop. Go Jayhawks! This is the year. I'll buy Cubans for those who watch the vitory w/ me.
Bring on the "play-in" team! Ketucky or Villanova = DED!
30 Regular season wins???? Who oes that?
They said on the radio that Florida was the #1 #1 seed. For whatever reason, they don't have the #1 #1 play the play-in winner.
Huskies are the #1 #97 seed!
Screw the NIT!!!!!
KC - that is a good idea, island handyman. If you charge by the hour you'll make a fortune. 10 bucks an hour to put together your exercise machine and you can retire. Guess I'll root for the Zags this year.
Movie Review - Talledaga Nights
Sober - 6.7
Unconfirmed, projected drunk score - 9
Unconfirmed projected high score - 35.
Aaron - meet me in Mazatlan next week. It's "about" half way.
Adrian - how do I insert pics on here? If it takes more than 6 hours nevermind.
Guess who the Hawks won't be resigning??? This guy.
Getting arrested while still a free agent...SMRT.
What's the deal Masser, you still alive over there? Or have you decided to not make any more blog posts until you finish assembling your exercise equipment? If that is the case, I set the over-under to April 9, 2007 3:35 PM PST.
Ooo, I'm going for over. It seems that Masser has now become a workaholic.
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