Supposedly I'm going to get paid on Friday. That'd be nice. Getting paid is always nice...especially in return for working. We'll see though.
Once I do start getting paid I'm going to sign up for internet at home. So given the urgency that me getting paid has within the government and the fact that the best setup for internet service looks like it is the government telecom, I'll probably be all set up by 4th of July. .
This setup is somewhat insane actually- at least right now. I'm the District Court prosecutor at the moment. I have pretty much no guidance though as to when to charge what. I've read the code. Moi and Mark, who both used to have my current job try to help me out as much as possible, but they're the only guys at high court. I took criminal law in law school, but other than that and a couple department of licensing hearings, my criminal court experience prior to coming here totaled my own apprearances at traffic court. I think that was a total of three appearances. That's pretty funny eh? The bad is that it sucks stresswise for me right now and quite possibly also for the interests of justice. But, soon I'll have it figured out and have more experience than if say I worked for a prosecutor at home for a year- since I get to handle all kinds of stuff and not just the lowest offenses (as most prosecutor offices smartly start inexperienced attorneys at that level). I hate looking like an idiot, and I'm quite sure that I do quite often in court right now, but hopefully that won't last terribly long.
We're understaffed by somewhere between 2-5 prosecutors apparently. We also apparently have funding for 2-3 more attorneys. None have been hired recently though because the Attorney General has been undergoing cancer treatment for about a year off island. Unfortunately, he died the other day. I never even met him.
While that is a tragedy for his family and village, maybe they will appoint a new AG or at least elevate the acting one so that he/she has the authority to hire some people. Even without that though, I think it'll get better relatively soon for me. I think I'm starting to get things organized and pretty soon I won't just be sitting waiting for some deadline to pass for something that my office was supposed to do but that was never calendared or in anyway revealed to me before heading to court. In another two weeks, I think all the stuff that was filed before I was there will be done, so at least I'll mostly know what is coming. That'll make my job much easier and much much less stressful.
All of this is just the reasoning behind why I haven't posted or emailed much lately. It'll improve. I'm sorry for the unreturned emails too. I keep meaning to get to them, but I just haven't been able.
I didn't do anything that you would probably find interesting this weekend. I just hung out all weekend. Friday- went to a public defender's house and hung out for a while. Saturday...drank beer, played Risk all day. It rained a lot recently, so there wasn't much to do outside, and I didn't really want to do anything else due to the tiredness. Sunday...nothing really. Some computer Risk, KFC bucket o chicken. Monday, I was so drenched with rain at court that I couldn't stop dripping all over all my paperwork. Very nice.
The other day I had some oka, which is one of the specialties here. The variety I had was really good. Kind of like a whole bunch of sashimi tuna in lime juice and hot oil and a little coconut juice.
I don't know what I'm doing this weekend. It probably depends on the weather. I've heard rumors of sloshball Saturday. That'd be fun. If not, and it doesn't pour down rain, I'm going to do some snorkling. And if there is sloshball, I'm planning on snorkling Sunday if possible.
Oh, also Sunday I went out to Moi's house. It is in a ridiculous setting. It is right by the ocean. The shore is a lava flow with tubes that the ocean goes into so that there are holes where the ocean comes in maybe 60 feet from shore- and big, Pitfall tarpit sized holes. You can jump in them and swim out to the other ones and then to the ocean apparently. I'll have to take some pictures of it out there next time.
Huskies: No NIT? Whuuuuut? Well that was a shafting, but not exactly one that matters I guess.
Movie reviews:
Man on Fire: 6 (Denzel even played a slightly different character)
Lets Go to Prison: 2.5 It isn't incredibly painful to watch, just boring and not funny, oh, but it is stupid.
I watched another stupid movie this weekend that I had seen before: Super Troopers: 9.5
So what's up? How are your kids. Apparently you pretty much all have them or will soon now. There must be some good stories.
Meg: I got the Balderdash and the other stuff. Thank you! Powdered Propel...great success.
Books: Somerset Maugham wrote lots of short stories. One of the most famous ones, Rain, takes place here in Pago Pago. The stories are ok, but they all end the same way- one of the main characters either kills himself or gets killed to end pretty much every story, so the only suspense is how they will die, so it is a little like Final Destination. Not great, not horrible. Plus, now you know what happens.
Games: EA NCAA Football 07 is great.
9 years ago
Sounds like a great time to committ some crime in AS!
Nothing new here. If you didn't already know, these guys are going to win the tourney.
I keep wanting to send you sonething in the mail. I don't know what it is yet, but it will be cool. So I guess I need the address. I am too lazy to look back at any old blogs so give it to me again. I would post a picture like Adrian but I am not a Bill Gates computer wizard like him.
Cannon is doing fine. He is hungry all the time so he cires all the time.
Can't stop rocking his seat or he gets pissed off and cries too. So drinking beer is hard to do if I can't run fast enough to the fridge before he starts screaming F-bombs at me- Then I am screwed until he settles down. When he can walk - I will teach him to open the beer fridge and get me a 355.
VERY NICE- BORAT F'ing hilarious.
But extra feature very nice-
if you only see in movie type theater- you miss great part.
Watch all, you laugh, then make toilet in pants.
No need to be a computer wiz to post links. Just read this to learn how. I can't really post instructions since it will end up posting a link.
Note: Since Masser choose a ghetto blog site (I'm talking out my ass here since I know nothing about blogs) you only have these options: You can use some HTML tags, such as <.b>, <.i>, <.a> .
On the baby front, George is currently sick. He's all phlegmy so he coughs and sneezes all the time. He also sounds surprisingly similar to Oden when he breathes.
He got baptized this weekend, which was why the Barton's were in town. The only noteworthy thing surrounding the weekend was that I didn't burst into flames upon entering a church.
Adam, Gina and I did managed to kill a 5 liter BOW in a single night. Very nice.
Is AS having a big St. Patty's day bash?
I'll be drinking at the Owl on Sat if anyone in Seattle would like to join me.
I hope KU wins too. You may not know it but I took graduate school classes at KU.
Adrian thanks for the link to Wiki definition of HTML. That was very clear as you can see from all the links in the body of this message and the little pic by my name. Hoz and I would like to post some links and look cool like you. Please provide some instructions one level above Step#1 - Turn on your computer for Shane and I. Thanks.
I don't know how to do the HTML stuff either.
My address is PO Box 7
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Ha. PO box 7?
Who has 1-6?
I'm guessing that if I tried to get one here I'd be something like PO box 12758463.
I don't have my own PO Box becuse there are none available in Pago Pago. Apparently there may be some available at anther post office on the island. #7 is the AG's box. It actually works out nicely because on Monday and Friday (the only days we get mail from the mainland) someone goes and picks up the mail and we get it delivered to us here- so it is probably better than having your own PO Box.
What is the charge for mailing a box of some sort?
Probably 12.5847 millainches X 14.09857 millainches
Megs? You should kmow.
Glad you got the stuff. It's about time. Did you ever get the two regular envelopes I sent you?
If you are going to send anything to Aaron, I highly recommend that you use the flat rate boxes from USPS. Note: it will take more than 2-3 days to get there, but apparently less than 2-3 months. The boxes are free at the post office...I think they have a red circle on them. There are two sizes. It costs $8.10 to send whavever you want. While more expensive, this method is much faster and more reliable than regular mail (even if you write air mail on the envelope).
AS better have a St. Patty's Day bash since I shipped over green food coloring so you can color your beer. Maybe I should have sent you some Guinness instead...sorry.
While I don't hate Kansas this year, I'm hoping these guys make a run. Otherwise, I'm rooting for this guy!
Hoz and Kdub, I'm no computer wiz either but Adrian did help me with doing links and posting pics. So maybe I can help you guys out now. As for making links, click on the one Adrian gave you and go to the elements sections and look for hypertext. There it will give you an example of a HTML code. Usually what I do is cut and paste that code into my text and just change the website and word to fit what I want to show. As for the picture, you need to add it to your profile. First you need to have a picture on a website. Once you've found the pic you like right click on the picture and go to properties. There you will find the webaddress for that picture alone. Then copy that and put it in your profile. Hope this helps.
And Meg how could you root for the cougs? That's almost as bad as chearing for the ducks.
How could she?
1) Bennett is hot.
2) The phrase "Coug it" has been revamped.
3) She has cheer power to spare since the Huskies weren't even worthy of the NIT.
That's just my take :)
Aaron--I'll send you a shirt, but I don't want pit stains...I mean, torso stains. Have fun this weekend and please don't hit any more natives--keep it under 20 mph.
Oops, I guess she has no choice now. Zags lagged.
Jaymie? WHAT?
How can you post on this blog when you have so much correcting to do? Quick get back to CRHS before Henry K. fires you for slacking! Damn teachers- get back to work! The WASL can only be put off for so many more years- those kids have to pass, but wait, not in 2008 like 'super smart'legislators told us, maybe in 2022- when kids get smarter.
All right non-poster, I'll fill in your dead time with some pointless crap.
Did you finally get paid? If so, you should walk around saying, "I'm rich Biatch!" all day. (Sorry. I couldn't find an audio file to link to. I feel so defeated.)
I've spent a good part of the day reading the Sports Guy's blog. I highly advise it for anyone who has a couple hours to kill. It's hilarious.
Between reading it all day and my non-stop posting to Masser's blog I'm thinking of starting my own. I think my laziness and desire to not be a total dork will win out and keep me from doing it but you never know...
I assume that you're aware of the Dook loss by now. Good stuff.
In honor of my team's eventual '07 March Madness win I've changed my ringtone to this.
Well, I've got to cut this off b/c I'm due in a meeting. Lame.
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