This weekend it rained alot. I played poker Friday night. It was at Mike Keyser's house and was his 30th birthday. He used to be an AAG also, but now is general counsel for the power company here. Anyway, their house is ridiculous for the island- super nice. I got home at about 345am after poker. Saturday, I was exhausted. I cleaned my house and did laundry pretty exciting eh? Doing laundry really sucked. It took forever, and I just sat there while 10,000 kids were running around yelling. Saturday night, I was tired and didn't do anything. But, I did get 10 hours sleep that night.
Yesterday, I played poker again ($2) and then had a delicious dinner at the Coletti's house next door.
It poured down rain all night pretty much.
Jerry: I'm sure I could find you a teaching job. You could almost surely get a job at the college. It'd be a pay cut for you ( I think about 36k or something), but the cost of living is also less than where you live.
I think the Huskies could make the tournament if they get to the championship game and lose. I think they should make it if they do that. If they lose the game before, it'll be really hard to get in.
9 years ago
I agree that it is possible that the Huskies could get in if they make it to the championship game and lose, but it would have to be against UCLA, and it would have to be a close game. It's just frustrating to think about how much easier our chances would be if we had beaten Oregon State.
Dielman decided that it rains too much in Seattle, and re-signed with San Diego. Did he not know before the trip that Seattle and San Diego have different climates? After all, he was just up here in December - did he not notice the change in temperature then? He was clearly using us for leverage.
Has your Xbox arrived yet? Are you going to start the American Somoan League of NHL Hockey '94? You'd probably do pretty well, seeing as I'm not there to ruin your winning percentage!
My stuff hasn't gotten here yet. It'll probably get here just before my contract is up.
Do you guys think you might make it over here? Maybe next year or this winter?
Aaron- I will meet you "half" way. I will be in Mazatlan March 19-26. See you there. We're staying at The Inn at Mazatlan.
Bad choice KW- You should have stayed where myself, Aaron, Handsome Rob, and Adrian stayed in Mazatlan.
Apartmentos Fiesta
le patada asno
KW- You should definitely go with Apartmentos Fiesta. They are super awesome (seriously). Beware of the Laser birds and 5am sweeping though.
I'd highly advise the all-you can eat and drink place on Friday afternoons. It goes from like 2pm-7pm and, when we were there, cost $15. I'd put it's actual value at a minimum of $30.
On my would advise against list, I would not fill a beer bottle with Tequila and walk around town while downing it. Shane could give you a good idea of the negative affects of this action.
Good times.
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