Mt St. Helens erupted blowing off its top 1800 feet or so and totally destroying the area for miles around:

It used to look like this:

Here's what it looks like now:

From Silver Lake (where we spend a big part of summer in the Rock) it looked like this a few days before I moved to AS:
I have to admit I'm disappointed you don't care for The Unit. To answer your questions, the terrorists hijacked a plane in Idaho because the security is softer than say LAX or O'Hare. Plus, Americans really hate it when White people die, so a flight to Idaho would get a lot more media attention. Also, firefights can happen anyplace at anytime, not unlike the clap. Regarding the unprepared newbie wife, I completely agree. With that said, you have to stop paying attention during the home front parts of the episode. You should watch it for guns; the explosions; the Unit's clandestinity; and the special forces jargon and equipment. It may not be as good as your favorites (i.e., Desperate Housewives, One Tree Hill) but I think it has some worth. Tell you what...next summer I'll bring out the entire 1st and 2nd seasons and we'll watch them until you appreciate them. Cool?
Reading through the comments on your site I also just learned that you don't like Denzel Washington. Tell me your hat size and I'll send you a new hood grand dragon of American Somoa. Just like George Bush, Aaron Masser "doesn't care about Black people!"
Ha. I do like Denzel, but I also think alot of his roles are nearly identical.
I'm willing to give The Unit another chance, but it is hard to disregard the home parts when it takes up half of some shows. You really want to spend your entire time out here watching The Unit? It could take months until I appreciate them. What kind of military show like this cloggs up half the time with BS about their wives at home- and then makes that part unrealistic and stupid. Whoever put the part about the one wife having an affair with the colonel should be fired. There isn't enough going on with terrorist jacking? We have to turn it into... Desperate Housewives as well?
And, the parachuting into Idaho? Where's the defense of that?
Here is my NBA Conspiracy Theory for tonight's Draft Lottery - The Celtics will get the first pick and the Sonics will get the 2nd. The NBA has an interest in reviving the Celtics' tradition, and would probably prefer to have Oden wearing Celtic green. As for the Sonics, the only chance of reviving the city's excitement over the Sonics is for Seattle to either get the #1 or #2 spot. Since we already have a 100 centers, it makes the most sense to have the Sonics pick 2nd and take Durant. That would probably force Lewis out, but oh well.
The Sonics really need the #1. I am not hopeful though. I see us having the 5 b/c of the extra shafting that the NBA likes to visit upon us.
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