Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sorry for the long delay. I've been really busy at work, and then I've had no time outside of work either becuase I had to prepare for being gone for a couple of days and for Meg and Adrian visiting.
I got a call today telling me that they will have internet hooked up at my home soon, so that will fix this problem.
Anyway, in the meantime:
Meg and Adrian made it here fine and they have seen most of this island, snorkled at a few places here, been to a few of the "good" restaurants here (one is actually good). We also had 4 days in Western Samoa, which was great, just like last time. I think they enjoyed that. They got to hang out with my friends here for a party last Friday and then a little bit last evening. Right now they are snorkeling at a place that has a high turtle concentration supposedly. Tonight, they fly out at 11pm to Hawaii and they have a couple days there before returning home.
Ha, I just checked the weather in the Rock- it is 49 and raining right now. They'll not be happy to get back to that.
OK, I'll provide a far more extensive update with pictures: by the way for the picture requesters (Keysers), I don't see many updates at all on your blog. What's up with that?


Carolyn & Adrian said...

Wow I'm impressed that Adrian didn't get put in jail for being drunk in public. Or taken to the hospital for overdosing on the on the local plant life.

Hoz said...

What the ....
It's like the damn stone age around there or something. I'm surprised you didn't have to learn how to use a telegraph as a prerequisite for work on the island.

Turtle said...

Yes, the weather has been crap: glints of sun, windy, lots of rain, hail, and COLD for May. But it's supposed to be in the 70s all next week and hit 79 on Monday. Yeah! Did Megan and Adrian see any of the best animals on Earth?

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Sorry, but I won't make it over there to salsa dance this weekend. Amy and I are headed to Portland's waterfront fiesta. Hopefully, I can get a tripe taco (but how your mom says it). Have a good week.