So, what has happened lately? Meg and Adrian came out here for a week leaving last Thursday. They got to meet Randy on his last weekend in town. It is really too bad that Randy and Emily had to leave. I only knew them for a few months, but its a big loss to the island and the Association.
Meg and Adrian got in around 10pm on April 26. So Friday, they walked down to Airport Beach from my house. I've been there before, but I haven't taken the walking route from my place which is the garbage walk.
So after most of the day there in the sun, Adrian was pretty red.

I was stuck late at work, so they were forced to occupy themselves by walking to Maliamai, which is a bar/restaurant at the end of the alternate trail to the beach. While they were waiting for me, they had a couple torpedoes of Vailima. Torpedoes not only taste like shit but they have something like 6.8% alcohol.
So I picked them up in my girlmobile (I'll get to this on a later post) and took them back home where Adrian proceeded to sample all the island's best: Red Horse (also malt liquor), San Miguel, and of course other alcohol. That along with his singlehandedly trying to absorb all the radiation the sun had to dish out that day did him in. By the time people finally rolled in around 9, Johnny T had about had it. Soon after, he passed out and pissed his pants:

He didn't really piss his pants, but he was sabotouged into looking as he did. He did actually take an involuntary nap pretty early though.
The next day we left for four days in Western Samoa. Once you are here for a couple months, Apia is something to see because they have stoplights, bars that people go to, and a few buildings over 3 stories. It does however have far less bars, tall buildings, and stoplights than Longview, so it isn't too impressive for those with access to real cities. So, we just went straight for the sliding rock.
I missed most of it but this crazy local guy, probably about 60 was doing crazy things. He was sliding down the top two slides on his feet, which is completely insane. Then he did somersaults down the last one:
Then we went to Lalomanu and stayed there for three nights. We'd stayed there during my previous trip to WS. It is a great place. Fantastic beach, stay in a fale right by the water, $25 per person for lodging and your meals.
The next day, black sand beach and hanging out in the waves.
There's this series of giant holes in the ground that we visited. They are connected by underwater tunnels to the ocean and to eachother. You can walk down some stairs and swim from each hole to the other and also out into the ocean. It did look a little less than safe though, so we passed on the swimming part.
Also, we stopped by to check out some falls:
We also checked out Aggie Greys which is a luxury resort on the north part of Upolu. I don't really know why anyone would stay there. The beach there is unspectacular as is the resort in general. But, the rooms are around $300/night. Lalomanu is the way to go for a beach, and if you want to stay in a real hotel, stay at the Manusina- Maximo's place.
But, we found some of these nearby Aggies:
We came back to this island on Tuesday evening. I worked Wednesday while they went around the island.
Then Wednesday night we went to a traditional Samoan dinner at Tisa's Bar. It was a full moon and perfect weather out. Not even terribly hot.
Thursday, I worked and they went snorkling and saw some turtles.
I think they both enjoyed it here. It is pretty nice; you all should think about coming to visit.
This weekend, we went to a Cinco de Mayo event Saturday night at the yacht club. That was very nice, plus $8 buckets of Corona.
So I'm sick now (thanks Meg).
Movie review:
Children of Men: Not too bad. Kind of a dark movie, but entertaining and interesting. 6.7
Also, I finished F&F, Tokyo Drift. Total crap throughout the second half as well. 2
Jeff Weaver sucks at baseball.
Yeah, more movie reviews...(jk)!
It was in the high 70s! You should have seen Cowlitz County: women with shirts pulled up lying on car hoods; men with cut-off jeans, socks, and sandals; and softball fans rubbing ice on their necks--you'd think it was Texas. But really, it was very nice to see sunshine and feel a little warmth.
Time for bed...good night!
Again Masser is the Master of Picture Postings. Nice white pictures I can't see.
What the hell ADRIAN ? Did you learn nothing from the BIG RED ROB in Mexico. SUNSCREEN !
Was Megs as inebriated as she was at the going away party?
Wait till I get there !
Nice work. That's a great synopsis. I wish I could forward it on to ppl, like my coworkers, but if I did there would undoubtedly be red and passed out pics of me around the office.
I did fix the horrendous farmer tan before I left and my once red forearms are now a nice golden tan.
Vialima- Produce of Samoa.
That'll never stop being funny.
Thank you for not posting the video of my going down the slide. It is too long and it probably would have been censored due to my extreme whiteness.
I had some drinks at Aaron party, but certainly not like Aaron's going away party. That was a once in 2 years drunk.
You all should try to visit Aaron before he leaves. It really is nice there.
Shane, you just have to wait for the pictures to load up. They're on there.
No, Meg wasn't ever in the superdrunk category while she was here.
Adrian was red, but not RED!
When are you going to make it out here? spring break 08?
Spring Break 08- is my goal.
I believe:
March 30 - April 4 is next years Spring Break.
I will try to fly out like Thursday March 25 hopefully. So if anyone wants to come with me...
Yes my computer at school did not load the pictures, but the computer at home did. Nice slide Adrian.
Adrian, I cannot believe that anyone can be that red and still be alive! Aaron, you guys are really mean. I thought that he really peed his pants.
Adrian was so burned that it looked like his legs might catch fire at any minute. The locals aren't kidding when they tell you to put on sunscreen.
It's not my fault you are sick's just a little salt water in your sinuses.
You forgot to mention that we couldn't get your girlmobile unlocked on Wednesday and Fiji Joe had to come to the rescue. When are you going to show pictures of your girlmobile anyway? I actually like the car (except for the beeping) and it is perfect for the island.
In case anyone is interested, Adrian and I had quite the sightseeing day on Oahu on our way back. We saw Pearl Harbor, the USS Arizonal Memorial and the North Shore, toured the USS Missouri, went to the top of Diamond Head in flip flops, saw Waikiki, and found a cheap bar to eat and drink. All that on no sleep the night before and I didn't even get cranky!!
Donkey/ Walruses don't get cranky unless there are other Donkey's about to harass them. Polar Bears get along with Donkey/ Walruses pretty well apparently.
Actually Janaya, the Robster was the brightest Red on the planet the 10 days we spent in Mazatlan. I think they named a new primary color after him: BORDER RED
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