This weekend, our Association activity director was off island and we didn't have anything planned by Friday morning. I thought maybe it would end up being a weekend to just relax and do nothing. Then poker @ the Keyser Palace with skip and go nakeds was suggested. There wasn't much interest in the poker, but Samoa Steve was interested in the skip and go nakeds--- and it was his birthday, so we did that.

skip and go nakeds are drinks. You make them in some sort of a vat. The ingredients are vodka, beer, pink lemonade, and ice. Sound bad? It isn't, especially after you have had a couple.
Gonzalo assigned himself the job of causing everyone to drink a ladle at a time.

Which results in:
Trogdor the Burninator

Then Gonzo finished it up.

Steve and Jeff wanted to go to the bowling alley after the S&GNs were pretty much gone. Merideth (Jeff's wife for non assn. people)thought that Jeff probably should not go. Steve objected to Jeff not going, so in order to get his point across, he walked up to the table where the vat was and moved it off of the table. He then walked back to the other end of the patio and picked up a broom and put it between his legs, like a witch. Next was a running charge ending with flying through the air onto and through the table.

Hilarious. Plus, it worked- they both got to go to the bowling alley.
During the day Saturday there was a sports festival at Utelei Beach, which is downtown near where I work. Check out this sign.

Later on in the afternoon we played sloshball, but I didn't bring my camera. The game came down to the last at bat yet again. This time the good guys lost.
After the game, we came back to my place for a BBQ and bonfire. That was pretty fun. Here are some videos of the bonfire being vaulted and jumped over:

I paid for those videos though. Right before they were going to make the first attempt, I realized I needed my camera so I ran inside for it. Once in side I was running to where the camera was so as to not miss these first degree burn defying acts and I smashed my little toe into the leg of my table- breaking it (the toe).
Sunday I went hiking to Fogatele Bay. It is a marine sanctuary area that is reachable from at least a couple routes, but ours was probably a 3 mile one way hike, which would have been easy if not for my toe- but it still wasn't that bad. It was a beautiful day, and I brought my camera, but failed to charge it=no pictures.
Friday night there was a hilarious video of Gonzalo dancing, which he deleted, so I am only left with this poor imitation:
Movie reviews:
A Scanner Darkly:
This movie is a cartoon of live actors where the cartoon looks like the actors. It was kind of cool for a while. But, the story kind of drags on and isn't resolved very well or thoroughly at the end. 4
Apparently back in the day wolves' eyes lit up like headlights at night...I did not know that. This movie certainly takes some liberties with reality, but it is a good story and is entertaining. The ending is just ok. Girls will like it becacuse standard issue battle gear was the same uniform now used by the Chippendales. Overall though, it isn't bad- 5.5
I am pretty encouraged by the Mariners lately. Their starting pitching still sucks, but they just keep winning. They wouldn't have won very many of these games during the past few seasons. There seems to be a great improvement. Right now they are 4 back of the Angels and 1 back of the wild card. If they are close to making the playoffs, I think they'll have to put Morrow in the rotation. A 3 man playoff rotation of Felix, Washburn, and Morrow might not be too bad at all. Weaver pitched the other day and didn't suck too bad.
I'm sick today. If we weren't so understaffed, I would definitely have called in sick today. If I'm still sick on Wednesday, I might be able to not go in if a couple hearings get waived- which I think they will (are you reading this Ruth?).
Oh internet videos don't work.
They're still processing, meanerson.
That's a lot of Sodas there Hoz...On a Monday night no less.
I've learned that the best sandwiches on the island (by a long, long, long ways) are at the hospital cafeteria...Hmmmm, that's info that would have been useful a month and a half ago!
What is the ASNOC going to do in 2010??
Yes, well Mondays are cheap at Famous Dave's and I'm doing good this morning for going to bed at 3:00.
Adrian and I can sample your fine sandwiches next spring, but I don't understand why you were at the hospital. Did your feet finally fall off ?
Yeah, they are right, they don't work. Why would you be jumping over a fire??? I am so jealous. I miss drinking. Sorry about your toe.
Hawes only has about 2 1/2 hours left to withdraw from the NBA Draft. Doesn't look too good! didn't get your Vonage set up AND you didn't update your blog....lazy donkey.
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