Those of you from home will be happy to know that the animal thing is starting to catch on here.

is a badger. You can check out his song here
We got Monday off this week for the most important day of the year: Manu'a Flag Day. You got that one off too right? Naomi, Justin, Nikki, and I went to Castro Beach and hung out for the day. It was delightful and Nikki brought a wonderful lunch. Then we had a real dinner that evening which included real beef that I've been really missing for a while. It was very nice.
Movie reviews:
Smoking Aces:
Eh, it is ok. There are a ton of good actors and a somewhat interesting setup, but it drags on and they seemed to waste the good acting by having a plot that mostly lacks much to get too interested in and then has 4 twists right at the end. Well, right before the end, because they made sure to knock the movie down a point in the final scene for pointlessness and unrealisticness. 4.5
Ghost Rider:

Wow! I was blown away by this one. (prepare yourself Kevin)
Move over Ghosts of Mars,

there's a new champion in town. I think this gets the title of WORST MOVIE EVER!
I think you should see both movies and decide for yourself which is the WORST MOVIE EVER! Neither is actually the least enjoyable movie ever. That honor goes to either Remains of the Day or Like Water for Chocolate. Those movies, while containing very high levels of boring (VERY high) and depressing can't match Ghost Rider. It is soooo incredibly stupid and cheesey and just plain dumb all the way through that it would be hard to top. Maybe having the word ghost in the title is a bonus for crappiness.
Nick Cage is so terrible in this movie. He is as bad as early Keanu Reeves now. Horrible, horrendous....
The plot- hard work must have gone into this to ensure that it would be a candidate for dumbest plot ever. They also must have spent a ton on special effects, but the flaming skull looks like something that some kid did on his computer just after Terminator2 came out.
For just one example, Sam Elliot is the old ghost rider, that apparently the devil can't find (though he lives in the same town as N. Cage and he found him accidentially). Anyway, in one drawn out scene, Elliot rides his flaming horse all the way to the made up place with Cage like they are going to team up and fight the Devil's son or whatever. Then when they get halfway, Elliot says it is the end of the line for him. What??? why? Then why even ride with him at all. Dumb, dumb, dumb! 0.8 but only because I want to leave room in case I see an even more atrocious effort in the future (Ghost Rider 2?).
Barbie is a VW Cabrio. It doesn't smell like dog (yet). It is a funny car (not the dragracing kind). Yeah, I have gotten made fun of on the radio.
Janaya, is your kid stuck in there because of the horns?