There were tons of presents for a gift exchange.

And we had tons of food (with meat cartel prime rib and a deep fried turkey) and plenty to drink (including 2 kinds of mulled wine- Risa's was better than mine).

There was also a Christmas Eve Yard Bonfire:

Rich brought some fake snow for Cliff and Julia's kids Everett and Simon to play with:

Everett made a snow angel out of fake snow on top of fake grass:

Then we got to the gift exchange.

Ruth scored some vodka, but I think Maximo stole it from her later.

It was a very nice evening and I think everyone had a good time. If you can't be with your family for Christmas, this was a really good substitute.
Christmas morning, Sleep Giraffe got the pulatasi made from clown material that she wanted along with a giraffe bouncy ball to hit around:

Djali was dressed up like Santa, but looking for her presents:

Naomi's friends Dona:

and Caitlin:

came down to American Samoa for Christmas as well.

Djali was happy with her goat bouncy ball.
Merry Christmas!

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