So, my trip experince started last Friday with my assistant telling me she would take me to the airport and just had to file something first. This was at 1. I told her I needed to leave by 230, but had some things to finish so I couldn't leave until probably just before that time. So at 145, I noticed that my assistant is dutifully playing Ma Johng. While this is a very important game, there was no progress on getting my item filed. At 210, I told her she needed to go NOW! Don Shaw needed to also file something so she was going to drop him off at ALJ court, file the thing I needed filed and pick him up and then we'd take me to the airport. At 230, she calls me from the wrong court and says that they clerks tell her it is at the wrong court. I told her that is because she is at the wrong court and that's the same reason that I asked her to go file my item at the correct court. After some communication problems, I told her to just forget it for now becuase I'm out of time and this thing isn't actually DUE today, so it could just be filed later. She says, ok, I'll go to the other court and hangs up, as I'm yelling, no! just come back. So at about 245, Don calls me and asks where his ride is. I don't know. It doesn't arrive, so I have to flag down a cab at 3 and rush to the airport. I was very angry. But, then I made my flight and was less angry so I just let it go since it would probably be pointless to even mention it anyway.
So, we made it to WS and were picked up by Maximo, who used to live here, but now runs a hotel in Apia. Friday night we hung out there for a while and then went to some bars downtown. It was pretty fun and weird to 1. actually go to a bar and 2. that people were actually there at the bar.
The next morning we drove to sliding rock. This place is in a creek valley about 20 minutes outside of town. You walk down to these falls and little pools of water. The water is nice and cool, which is a big difference from the ocean which is not cool at all. There are a few rocks there where the creek flows down and you can just use it as a waterslide. It is really fun. Here's a video of one of the runs.
Then we went to black sand beach beach. This beach is on the other side of the island from Apia. It takes about 45 mintues to get from Apia to this beach and probably 15-20 minutes of it is just this really bad road to the beach that is probably 3 miles long. Once you get there, it is very nice (I like). Most of the coast on Am Samoa don't have beaches, and the beaches that exist are really small. The black sand beach is big and sandy even out into the water (unheard of here). It is in a large bay and is a really beautiful place. Because of the bad road, there was almost nobody else there even though we were there on a Saturday with perfect weather. The best thing about this beach though is that these waves come in and just shoot you up onto the beach when they break- then they drag you back. They do both surprisingly fast. We did that for about 3 hours. A picture:

The next day, we went to a set of falls on the southeast portion of the island. You can jump off from different parts of the falls. I currently have big bruise from jumping off part of it. It isn't that I jumped from all that high, but in my effort to execute a proper cannonball I smashed my arm while gracefully entering the water. Again, nice cool fresh water.
That night we stayed at Lalomanu at the southeastern tip of the island. It is a really nice beach. The weather was mostly just great, but we didn't end up taking pictures until the next morning. We stayed in fales right on the beach- which are just mostly open air huts. They are about $25-$30 per person per night including your meals. It is good food too. We got there and hung out in the ocean for a couple hours and then hung out in the little deck/eating/bar area and drank some Vailima after dinner... til about 3. I did not feel #1 the next day.

The next day, we amazingly survived another day of Gonzalo's practicing to get our van onto the NASCAR curcuit and ended up (after going back to Apia) back at the southeastern portion of the island not far from Lalomanu. They have a group of fales on this island offshore that you can rent. To notify the guys with the boat to come and get you, you put up this flag and they are supposed to come and get you.

They did not come and get us. We got picked up just by chance because a day trip group was leaving the island. But once we got there it was really nice. You have this whole island to yourself and the area is extremely pleasant.

Sorry for the incompleteness. Please let me know what else you want to know and I'll get back to you.
Have a good weekend!!!!