That's kind of like it is here; sort of. Since our houses are sans walls, you can hear the things going on outside. The things that are going on outside right now are a ton of dogs barking and fighting.
In the Lion King, eventually the lions take back over. Despite the fact that this neighborhood is called Lion's Park, there are no lions to keep the dogs rounded up.
Monday and Tuesday usually are mostly sucky. This wasn't really an exception. Per request, Monday was slightly stinky in the morning and cleared out in the afternoon and Tuesday was clear (of stink not clouds). The stink never gets close to Lion's Park- so that is a bonus.
Jeff Weaver is "hurt". That's probably the best solution. He can just do rehab starts all season until he pulls his head out. Being able to listen to the M's games when I get home is really nice. Neihaus was in especially rare form Sunday for the Yankees game. I think he enjoys announcing when Putz is playing more than any player since Edgar.
I have found a solution to my spending too much on long distance cards and still running out of time too fast. I signed up for Vonage. So, at some time in the future, I'll get my Vonage equipment and then will be able to call the mainland all I want at no per minute charge. This also provides sort of a fix for anyone on the mainland that wants to call me. I'll have a 206 number so it won't be international rates. But, the drawback is that I'll have to be home in order to get me. I'll let you know the number once I get the equipment.
Movie reviews:
Rocky Balboa: Pretty good. We're not talking Rocky IV here, but still pretty good. Above average: 6.5
Blades of Glory: Also pretty good. There were a few parts that were really funny. I'd say it is about as good as Anchorman, not as good as Old School of course, but I liked it much, much better than Ricky Bobby. 6.5
TV shows:
The Unit: Nate downloaded some episodes of this one.... why?
It isn't terribly boring, but it is pretty stupid and several parts don't make much sense at all. 3
For tonight, I'll leave you with this: Some of you have probably seen this picture on your email:

It certainly looks fake or at least altered. It's represented as real (kind of like how if you post enough comments on tonight's posting, Bill Gates will give you a free Xbox). Anyway, Adrian thinks it is fake for sure and sent this even more incredible version back to the people that sent it to him:

I thought that was hilarious, um, I mean incredible. But then I found this even MORE incredible picture:
That was one of the more random string of thoughts that I have read. Have you been licking some sort of island toads over there or something?
Weaver being hurt is great. Too bad he's costing us eight figures.
I swear I've watched at least 30 inning of the M's on tv this season and have only heard Neihaus for a max of one inning. They don't seem to switch between tv and radio like they used to. Good for you I guess.
I've got a chance to get tixkets for this Sunday's game against SD. Tix are $25 + some $25 facility use charge. The upside is all-you-eat buffet is included and one drink. I can't decide if I want to drop a bill on the M's, but it's certainly tempting...
Why are the dogs now fighting a bunch? You should go out there and kick their asses, literally.
Also, what's this about, "Per request, Monday was slightly stinky.."?
Stink was requested?
Carolyn requested a stink report.
We do have some big toads here.
Last night, the dogs in the distance (not Bila, Ed, or Stinky I think) were fighting, yelling, and howling up a storm.
How do you have 3 dogs? I thought just one.
I think Adrian can give Carolyn a stink report all by himself.
Ahhh. Based on your statement, I thought that you, or someone else, requested it to be slightly stinky on Monday.
"Ahhh, Biker bar..."
I do have just one dog (that won't let me touch her), but there are some other neighborhood dogs that I don't mind (Ed and Stinky Petunia).
You should stay home on a work day and then you will get to hear the bell ringing and guys yelling at each other starting about 7:30. That is sweet when you're trying to sleep.
Don't tell Brian Carter you don't like The Unit...he's a fan.
How can you like Ed and Stinky Petunia, but not Grandpa? He seemed nice enough.
Everyone should now submit their best reason that Bilo won't let Aaron touch her. This list could be endless and highly comedic.
Top Three Reasons Bilo Won't Let Aaron Touch Her:
3. She heard a rumor about snow camping and a wine called Diablo Creek.
2. She has seen Aaron's feet and is afraid of flesh eating viruses.
1. Aaron's mercury poisoning, she is afraid of being shaken to death.
Aaron, Megan is correct. Brian is going to be devastated that you do not like the Unit. It is his favorite show. Every Tuesday night and he also has all of season 1 on DVD and has watched all of the episodes about five times.
I believe that Bilo may be afraid of the claw......I know that I am.
Would you say Brian loves the Unit?
On Tuesday afternoons is he hungry for the Unit?
Sorry, I couldn't resist after all of these the Unit posts.
"Oh, oh, call xxxxx THE UNIT!"
He does love....the Unit!!! Very funny Adrian.
actually, everyone in Am Sam is afraid of New Guy's feet, not just bila. He was able to stink up my place the other day with those monsters - and I don't even have real walls.
The problem with Aaron's feet (insert disapproving look here) is that he refuses to take any action to remedy the disgustingness. He refuses to use foot spray or see a doctor. Instead, he just lets the rot eep further and further up his leg.
You all should just be happy he does not torture you by wiping his feet on you. But, I am sorry that you have to deal with the extreme stink.
My feet are in good shape right now Stupes. You saw them. The stink shoes just need a really good cleaning.
I think Aaron loves the attention--I've told him several times that all he needs is some tea-tree oil. That, or he wants to keep the HIV rot feet as a defense to ward off any dangerous centipedes. Also, Bilo has seen Aaron randomly thump his noggin with his claw for no apparent reason and Bilo does not want a skull fracture. Has anyone seen Aaron do this gesture? It has concerned me in the past.
(Aaron, it's fun to pick on you when I know you can't give me any rib-pokes.)
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