I know, I've been horrible again. Sorry.
I'm going to try to catch up over the next several days if possible.
First though, look at the M's! 1st place in the wild card now.
All right, now back in time. During the week, it has mostly been the same stuff. Inexplicably, they have not hired any more attorneys so we remain at about half-staff and I'm still in District Court. Overall, it isn't that bad, but I am really tired of traffic court. It is so long, so boring, and yet, still a touch stressful (though much less so these days). So Tuesdays still suck. Also, I have a little island fever and need a break from here, but I don't know when that's going to happen. Anyway, OK, so what to include?
I guess I have to include the events of July 20:
I went to bed a little early while there was a party going on at my house. I tried to get up after a little nap but I was still too tired. I walked out on the patio and everyone advised me that, yeah I looked tired and probably should just go to bed again. I should have recognized something was up by being let off so easily, but I didn't. Plus, why would Weave come in and take a picture of me while I'm sleeping and run out laughing?

It turns out that everyone had just finished wadding up a ton of green paper that Gonzalo had been packing around in the back of his car. I mean there was a ton of paper. I didn't see any of this until I got up:

Some hicks must have done this:

Barbie was extremely thoroughly wrapped up and it took a while to get it all off. Along the way I found neat thing wrapped inside such as palm fronds, banana leaves, beer cans, and cigarette buts. The best surprise came once I got through the plastic and to the sheets of paper that were blocking the view to inside. What was their purpose?

All that green paper was generously donated to Barbie.
There have sadly been several departures of important people from the island the past several weeks. Justin was first. He's the coolest college student we know... and he's a rooster.
So that next night we had a final party for Justin who was leaving to go to college on the big island of Hawaii. By the way, I notice that today there's a hurricane heading there. That'll be fun I suppose.
The party was a tribute to Justin: hangout out at my house and drinking some beer. It was a good and appropriate sendoff.