There's no acceptable control tower at the Pago Pago airport. Also, the federal government has been paying for air traffic control services here. The FAA gave the government tons of notice that they are going to stop paying for air traffic control after September 30, 2007
http://www.rnzi.com/pages/news.php?op=read&id=35429. But, the feds also said they would give $2M for a new air control tower. One of the conditions of the $2M is that American Samoa agrees to staff the air control tower and use it to provide air control services. So what's the problem?
The governor objected to this plan because he wants the federal government to keep paying for the air traffic control here. He also objected because he wants more than $2M to construct the tower. When it was pointed out that Western Samoa recently built one for less than half that cost (and their airport has far more traffic), the governor was insulted that someone would insinuate that the W.S. tower would be good enough for here. Afterall, A.S. has far superior services than W.S.. One just has to look at the roads here (massive potholes), the public transportation provided by the government (none), tourist facilities (almost none), fine dining (McDonalds), and superior industry (stinky canneries paying $3/per hour) to recognize that just because something is good enough for Western Samoa:

does not make it good enough for American Samoa.

(beaches with trash, ha! we got you Western Samoa!)
Also, since the tower was going to cost around $1M and the federal government offered to provide $2M, that left only $1M to be syphoned off to corruption. This alone is unaccptable, but the condition that the tower actually be completed and used is an insult to the government of American Samoa, and its way of doing things.
The deadline came and went and the governor did not take the deal. Incredible huh? So now there is no plan for the tower. It also has come out that the governor has no plan to pay for air traffic services. The newspaper today has him saying that we don't need air traffic control.

Another thing I wonder if the governor has thought about. Will Hawaiian Airlines fly here without any air traffic control? Is that even legal? For someone who takes so many trips off island, you'd think the governor might have thought this through.

Oh, yeah he has his own plane, nevermind. So the next Hawaiian flight is scheduled to arrive this Thursday. We'll see what happens.