I don't have any new pictures, so I'm posting one from Susan's wedding place, one from the Georgia Aquarium that doesn't compare to how the snorkling is here, me at CNN, firecrackers, and Silver Lake from a couple weeks ago.
I went over to check out my new place last night. The guy whose office I inherited lives there. He also tricked me into volunteering to do my absolute favorite thing: no- not painting or roofing, but moving! Yay! Actually, I'd rather move than go to the doctor or lots of other things. I think I'd rather get stung by a bee though. Would you rather get stung by a bee once an hour for 5 hours or move for 5 hours? (not a rhetorical question) I think that if I didn't know or fear the bee stings were coming, I'd take the bees. But the dreading and worrying about the bee stings would make it worse. But the guy and his family seem really nice, the moving starts at a reasonable time, and I really don't have any other plans, so no big deal.
The house is not exactly a luxury accommodation. I'd put it probably a little below our house on 25th. Nicer than the House though (plus no about ready to blow up gas smell). On the upside, it is pretty big: decent size living room, 3 bedrooms! So, I'll have plenty of room for visitors. I couldn't find a gym, so I had been thinking of making one of the rooms a workout room, but apparently the gym does exist and supposedly is pretty nice according to information obtained today. Overall, the house is better than I probably could have expected. It has 2 cement walls and the other walls are pretty much completely slatted window material that can be opened or closed (with security wire on the outside). It's nicer than my hotel room. Plus, it has a papaya tree, a few banana trees, and several pineapple plants. I'm going to plant some basil nearby. I bet everything will grow like crazy here. Before anyone gets any ideas, weed is punishible by 5 years in the can. A friend of one of the lawyers here is in the pokey as we speak for bring a joint on the plane. That is monumentally stupid, but 5 years... come on. It should be more like 5 bucks.
When I left the house it was dark. It was the first time I'd actually been outside when it is dark. It was just fantastic out last night. Tons and tons of stars- only obscured by palm trees. Plus, with a low of 81 it is very comfortable outside at any hour.
Today my boss called me into his office and for the second time since I've been here he told me that he just expects everyone to do their best and that's all he can ask. If you win you win, if you lose you lose- no pressure. That's pretty rare I think. I might be able to be provisionally admitted sometime next week and be able to try to handle some easy District Court stuff. The thought of that doesn't make me nervous at all, so it must be easy eh?
I bought 4 more manskirts yesterday. Now I have ones that are black, khaki, blue-green (not teal), dark brown, light brown, maroon, and green. I'll have to get a picture of me with one on and post it. They should allow manskirts at home when it is warm. You really can't beat it. It is so comfortable. One of the public defenders today reccommended that I get some tailor made though because you can pick out lighter material to make them even cooler. I'll have to do that. So when you come to visit you can use one to wear around as a manskirt or just a skirt if you are a girl since I'll probably have about 30 soon. They're $8 each. Today with my dark brown manskirt I am sporting a Hawaiian shirt, no tie, and a wood nut necklace because it is casual Friday (even at court).
I appreciate all of your comments and read them. So far I think Shane's toxic foot comment is the best. Did you notice I added a couple pictures from snow camping? There's a nice one of drunk Andy Lentz at about 1030am playing bacci.
Today's confidence level for the Huskies making the tournament: 22%. I almost put 15%, but they could lose all their games and still win the Pac-10 tournament. That makes it seem like I think there's a 7% chance that they'll win the conference tourney when I really think it is better than that- or at least if I don't now, I will by the start of it. It should be noted as comparison that my confidence level for the M's making the playoffs is currently at about 45%. Sonics 0% with the hope that they lose all of the remainder of their games. I don't appreciate Steve Nash sitting out the Sonics game either. You screwed us Nash, there's no way we'd have won if you played. Why?
If I remember one of these days I'll video part of my drive to work and put it on youtube or my myspace page. So, expect that around 08.
Oh, also, I have a belated movie review. I watched Little Miss Sunshine on the plane. I give it a 6.5. It is a fairly high quality movie actually, but sort of depressing for most of it. The last 10 minutes took it from a 4 to its actual rating. So, it is worth seeing, but as far as semi-weird movies, it's no Garden State. I also watched part of the Last King of Scotland. Ghost Dog did a really good job, but I got kind of bored with it and fast forwarded to the end after about 50 mintues, so I probably can't rate it. I also watched half of X men 3, but then the flight ended so I can't rate that one either. There, I just took 5 minutes that you'll never get back. More of the same impending. Another thing I'd like to give a high rating to is USB2 ports. (D O R K, huh?)
Have a pleasant weekend.
F! Pitt! (I don't know how to make the upsidedown exclamation point on here, but if I did, I'd have put one before the F)